Sunday, November 1, 2009 Announcements

  1. Today, Sunday We welcome! The Rev. Eric Law to St. Mary’s for the 9:45 service.  Fr. Eric Law will lead us in a presentation of our parish history 11:15 – 2:00 pm. focusing on the last 10 yrs. and the next 5-10 yrs.  Lunch will be provided.
  2. Today, Sunday – Daylight Saving Time ends – Fall back!
  3. November 8SundayDiocesan ECW Recognition of Margaret Yuki during the 9:45 service.  We will be joined by representatives of the Diocesan ECW as we give thanks for Margaret’s ministries to St. Mary’s and our diocese.
  4. November 8 SundayChristmas Boutique workshop at 11:00 am.
  5. November 8 – Correction on November Calendar -Holy Eucharist should be 7:30 am not 6:30 am.
  6. November 11 – Wednesday, Veteran’s Day – Office Closed.
  7. November 15 – SundayLoyalty Sunday.  Please bring pledge cards that are not already mailed in to be blessed during the  services.
  8. Hunger Action LA Cell Phone Recycling – Donate your old phones to help fund their food programs.  Please bring them to the office for drop-off.