Sunday, January 17, 2010 Announcements

  1. Today, Vestry Meeting @ 11:15 am.
  2. Today, Celtic Cross Board Meeting @ 8:15 am.
  3. Martin Luther King Day Observance -Today@ 4:00 pm.  Evensong at ProCathedral of St. John’s. Address by The Rt.  Rev. Chester L. Talton,    Bishop Suffragan.
  4. Monday, January 18 – Office closed in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
  5. Wednesday, January 20 – South Bay Bible Study at 6:00 pm.
  6. The Vestry thanks everyone for their 2010 pledges. If you are expecting envelopes and have not received them, please see Mo. Marilyn or call the office.
  7. Annual Meeting – January 31 during 9:45 am service.  There will not be a 7:30 am or 11:45  am service on January 31.
  8. Aid for HAITI Earthquake Survivors: Episcopal Relief &    Development (ERD) is receiving donations Online:; by phone: 1-800-334-7626, x 5129;  by mail:   ERD, P. O. Box 7058,  Merrifield, VA  22116-7058.  Please  put “Haiti Fund” in the memo line of all checks.