Sunday, January 24, 2010 Announcements

  1. The Vestry thanks everyone for their 2010 pledges. If you are expecting envelopes and have not received them, please see Mo. Marilyn or call the office.
  2. The January Bible study moved to Wednesday, January 27 due to last week’s weather.
  3. Annual Meeting – Sunday, January 31 during 9:45 am  service.  There will not be a 7:30 am or 11:45 am service.
  4. Looking ahead: Sunday, February 7 at 9:45 am service- Baptism of Sarah Esbenshade, daughter of Andy and Michele Esbenshade.
  5. Aid for HAITI Earthquake Survivors: Episcopal Relief &  Development (ERD) is receiving donations Online:; by phone: 1-800-334-7626, x 5129; by mail:  ERD, P. O. Box 7058, Merrifield, VA  22116-7058. Please  put “Haiti Fund” in the memo line of all checks.  We will also have a special collection Sunday, January 31 for ERD Haiti Fund.
  6. Hunger Action LA, Good Food Fair – Saturday, January 30-9:00 am – 2:00 pm in St. Mary’s parking lot.