Sunday, September 5, 2010 Announcements
- Today – Gwendolyn will introduce the Episcopal Urban Interns at the 9:45 service. The September Spirit will have more information. Their pictures and personal stories will be on the bulletin board in a week or so.
- Today – Dodger Nite Tickets are here! For those who have paid for their tickets, you can pick them up in the church office.  They are on top of the reception desk.
- Monday, September 6 – Office closed for Labor Day.
- Tuesday, September 7 – Mo. Marilyn returns from vacation.
- Sunday, September 12 – Back-to-School Picnic in Cerritos.  Please join us for a Back-to-School Picnic at Glenn and Kathy Nishibayashi’s house, 19200 Madeira Court, Cerritos 90703,  phone (562) 468-1432. St. Mary’s will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, dessert and drinks. Sign up sheet at church entrance, and if you’d like to find a carpool to this event, please call the church office. [Please note: On September 12, the regularly scheduled 7:30am service will still be held at St. Mary’s. The 11:45am service that day will be canceled.]